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Chile Arbol FLAKES 80g

  • Product code 800168
  • Ean8594053681566
  • Brand Nuevo Progreso
  • Delivery in stock
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De Arbol peppers are said to bring good luck in Mexico. You will have to judge for yourself whether this is actually true. But the smile (and slight burning sensation) on your lips will certainly do the trick. They acquire their distinct and complex taste, rich in nutty, grassy and smoky notes, only during drying. You can therefore enjoy our crushed De Arbol pepper granules in their best form. Unlike most other chili peppers, they don't get their name from their place of origin, but from the Spanish meaning of "chili tree" ("chile de árbol"). Although these Mexican peppers grow on a bush, their stem is so stiff and hard that it resembles a branch from a tree. De Arbol peppers (pronounced "day ar boll") of the Capsicum annuum variety (annual peppers) are about 5-7 cm long and reach a medium heat of around 15,000-30,000 SHU. The fruits ripen from green to light red. Due to their elongated narrow shape and twisted tip, they are sometimes called "bird's peak" or "rat's tail". It comes from Mexico and according to some experts, they are closely related to Cayenne peppers, and according to others to Pequin peppers. The vast majority of their production today has also been preserved in Mexico. De Arbol have a natural, nutty flavor with grassy and smoky undertones. They acquire their distinct and developed flavor only during drying. Use: They are mainly used to flavor Chinese, Mexican or South Asian dishes. De Arbol peppers are considered by many to be far superior to other similarly hot Mexican chilies and are therefore very popular among chili chefs who use their superior flavor in various culinary competitions. In ordinary cooking, it is suitable for marinades, soups, sauces or meat and vegetable pans. Together with tomatoes, onions, roasted garlic, lime and a pinch of salt, these peppers form a balanced base for a cooked hot sauce. Ingredients: Dried crushed Chile de Arbol peppers Package contents: 80 g Country of origin: Mexico

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